Monday, September 30, 2019

Economy on Food Essay

Many Americans consume food at an alarming rate without even stopping to think of what they really might be eating or how it ended up on their plate. If we just took the time to see how our food systems worked, we would notice the domino affect trickling down from government to average day Americans. In order for us to be able to grow and produce food, farmers are paid by our government in the form of subsidies. These crops often times do not grow naturally from the ground. Chemicals are pumped into the Earth causing problems for our environment. That food is than sent on journeys all over the world, including stops at feed lots. Animals are fed the crop which has more cons than pros to their digestive system and their bodies causing meat to have a higher concentration of fat. Of course these products are then distributed to our grocery stores and we buy them without the slightest bit of hesitation. Each one of these steps has an affect on the other and it might all be controlled by one problem – government subsidies. Without this control farmers might have the initiative to grow with their minds set on quality over quantity which in turn will have healthier affects on each level of our food economy. Farmers are large contributors toward the food for our society. The government pays farmers by controlling the supply and demand through subsidies keeping the farmers their jobs. However, the subsidies are based on how many bushels a farmer can grow, which leads to an overproduction. An example of a highly subsidized crop is corn. Alone, this crop causes environmental, animal farming, and society health issues. According to Michael Pollan, an author, activist, and Professor of journalism at the University of California, Berkeley, for farmers to grow an abundant amount of corn it requires more chemicals and pesticides to maintain growing conditions. These chemicals eventually find its way into the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico, killing marine life (45). When this crop is sold, farmers with livestock buy it as animal feed, for it is cheap. â€Å"Most of the animals we eat (chickens, pigs, and cows) today subsist on a diet of corn, reguardless regardless of whether it is good for them† (Pollan, 44). Cattle are not use to an all corn diet which causes farmers to feed them antibiotics to fight off any illness and or infections. Once these animals pass inspections they are sent off to a slaughter house to become the meat we eat, which is filled with antibiotics and corn. Corn comes in a sugar additive form be more accurate -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 3:25 PM called high fructose corn syrup. It is commonly found in soft drinks because it is so sweet and cheap. Due to the subsidy, it took the place of sugar. There is â€Å"†¦ no coincidence that the wholesale switch to corn sweeteners in 1980’s marks the beginning of the epidemic of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes in this country† (Pollan, 44). Since the subsidy caused overproduction and extremely low prices, America has let itself go in becoming one of the fattest and laziest nations by turning to fast food restaurants instead of home cooked meals. The government pays farmers to grow these commodities (i. e. corn, soy, wheat, rice, and cotton) for their overproduction and â€Å"†¦ the farm bill what farm bill? offer context for quote -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 3:26 PM does almost nothing to support farmers growing fresh produce†¦ The reason the least healthful calories in the supermarket are the cheapest is that those are the ones the farm bill encourages farmers to grow† (Pollan, You Are What You Grow). While fruit and vegetable prices increased 40 percent from 1985-2000, the price of soft drinks, containing corn, declined 23 percent (Pollan, You Are What You Grow). Through government subsidies and the farm bill, it has caused several problems concerning the environment, and animal and society health. Government subsidies need to be looked at and changed considerably. Farmers need to stop overproduction and instead of being paid by bushels, be paid to limit production and support prices (Pollan, You Are What You Grow). By supporting prices and limiting production, crops may not be so high in demand, further resulting in animals eating what they are accustomed to and Americans eating healthier with fewer unknown additives put into their food. Here you have moved to possible solutions — save it for that section. -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 3:28 PM The overproduction of corn in America has raised many questions regarding the process and production of corn and how it is affecting us Americans today. Need a different transition here, one that spins off from last paragraph -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 3:29 PM Many documentaries about corn, the production, process, and distribution have been experimented with and caught on tape, while more problems have risen about conditions of corn and farming. Such Aforementioned problems have revealed that though corn is cheap and easy, it increases health risks for our bodies and to animals as well. Michael Pollan author of â€Å"When A Crop Becomes King,† writer for the New York Times states that â€Å"nowhere have humans done quite as much to advance the interests of this plant as in North America , where zea mays has insinuated itself into our landscape, our food system-and our federal budget. † Pollan is revealing that people may question the food production and if producers are looking out for our best interest or not. We still buy the same products and dont ask the important questions, though, we just accept that it is a way of life. We complain that food is unhealthy and there are rarely any alternatives that are just as quick and tasty as fast food, instead, we need to choose our own alternatives rather then blame the fast food industry. Corn has been processed and has become an American product for the past few decades, â€Å"we’re sacrificing the health of both our bodies and the environment by growing and eating so much of it[†¦ ]that’s cause for our concern† states Polan in another quote from The New York Times. Though we have the production of corn processed in foods and fed to animals to make there meat more fatty, the best strategy that has kept the zea mays in business is the development of high fructose corn syrup. Look on the backs of soda cans, candy bars, even apples and you will notice that there is high fructose corn syrup in our americanized products. Corns being processed into all of our foods, drinks, and animals is only part of the problem, Polan states that â€Å"Modern corn hybrids are the greediest of plants, demanding more nitrogen fertilizer than any other crop also requiring more pesticide then any other crop. † Corn isn’t as cheap as we suspect it to be, the diet for corn consists of a plethera of water and is sprayed with chemicals each time it’s grown. Due to the chemicals that are sprayed, â€Å"these chemicals find its way to the Mississippi River which carries it to the Gulf of Mexico, which has already killed marine life in a 12,000 square mile area. † Polan again reveals that if we take a step back, we will realize that our environment is suffering just as much as we are, we are temporary on this earth we need to remember that the environment is not to be tempered with, but natural. The process of cornification and new developments if cheap and easy products, has cause a domino affect in our health system. Although our environment is suffering due to over use of chemicals, we do not end there. nice T -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 3:33 PM According to the U. S Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, each year in the United States, 10 billion land animals are raised and killed for meat, eggs, and milk. To an average American with no prior knowledge of our food economy this might seem like a minuscule fact, however; it is the way in which these animals are farmed which has dire consequences on our societies health. Farm animal welfare expert Dr. Donald Broom states; â€Å"Efforts to achieve earlier and faster growth, greater production per individual, and efficient feed conversions and partitioning are the causes of some of the worst animal welfare problems. † The farming of livestock has changed dramatically over the past centuries. Many still think of farming as the rural collections of barns and field where animals are free to graze and move about until they are executed effectively, â€Å"in reality, some farms are massive industrial-type facilities owned and operated by large corporations†¦ [and] although they make up a small percentage of American farms, they handle a large percentage of the animals killed for food in the United States† (Breakdown of Livestock Farms, North American Industry Classification System in Census of Agriculture). These factory farms are also known as CAFO’s or Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Because of the over production of corn, these animals diets consist of nothing but it. Since corn is a high-starch, high-energy food, it decreases the time it takes to fatten the cattle and increases the yield from these farms. According to the documentary, King Corn, cattle are fed for anywhere between 140-160 days and than slaughtered, however; corn is not the natural diet of cattle and since it is not, many problems have stemmed from this abnormal diet. They are becoming fatter at an alarming rate which is good for the company’s wallets but not for our waist lines considering â€Å"65% of calories from burgers are energy calories from fat† causing a direct line between obese cows, and obese Americans (King Corn). The problem lies within the cattle’s digestive system. The heavy corn diet acidifies the cow’s digestive tract and causes bacteria to form. Under normal circumstances a bacteria known as â€Å"E. coli 0157: H7 would be killed by stomach acids but the increased amounts of acid allows for the more acid resistant bacteria to thrive and reproduce† (Richard J.Arsenault, Corn Fed Cattle: Bigger Cows, Bigger E. coli Threat. )nice addition of detail, but paraphrase — wording not worthy of quote status 🙂 -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 3:37 PM Cattle are being forced to consume products which end up killing them slowly, and if it were not for the time of slaughter they would eventually die. Either way in which they die is not usually pleasant. awk -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 3:38 PM Cows may be raised in one state, fattened in another, and then slaughtered in yet another. During the transportation of these animals they are packed into trucks where they suffer from trampling, temperature extremes, and lack of food, water or veterinary care. When they reach the slaughterhouse, cattle may be hoisted upside-down by their hind legs and dismembered all while being conscious since the techniques for slaughter are surrounded around yield and not efficiency. The kill rate in a typical slaughterhouse is 400 animals per hour, and â€Å"the line is never stopped simply because an animal is alive,† according to a former slaughterhouse worker and author of â€Å"They Die Piece by Piece†, Joby Warrick. Are you drifitng away from topic? -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 3:39 PM There are no animal welfare laws regulating the treatment of billions of animals raised for their mean meat, eggs, and milk while they are on the farm. While all of the 50 states have cruelty laws, many exempt common farming practices. As a result of this, farm animals suffer immensely due to the fact that animal welfare is overlooked since the economic interests of the producer often conflict with the animals well-being. But the animals well-being is not the only consequence; factory farming effect the environment as well as society itself. The effects fast food has on Americans is a wide variety of different things, and society is one of them. Wendell Berry from The Pleasures of Eating says people â€Å"buy what they want–or what they have been persuaded to want–within the limits of what they can get. † (Berry 1) Berry feels that the advertisers of fast food companies make people feel that they need things that are not necessarily good for them because it is provided to them cheaply and with easy access. Society has been blind sided when it comes to where there food is from, the most an average urban shopper could tell you is that their food came from a farm. They are unaware of any further information such as; what farm it came from, where the farm is located, and how far the food had to travel to get to them. (Berry 1) Most Americans view food as something that does not concern them until it is put in front of them. They don’t spend any extra time thinking about the health aspects of their food until it comes time to purchase it or make it. Even then, Americans lives are so fast paced they don’t have tome time to worry about what is in their food. It is very obvious through commercials and other forms of advertisement that the industry does not care about the health of society. They advertise to young children and teens who do not know any better, this section seems to be about causes rather than effects -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 4:01 PM as well as hire immigrants that will work for low pay. It is very clear they are not aware of what they are providing their customers with. The industry has been able to create a vicious circle by advertising to children. These children grow up and feed it to their children, thus continuing the never ending cycle. As long as fast food restaurants are able to provide food at a cheap price, quickly the health of society will be a problem. There is no way we could possibly shut down all of the fast food restaurants but there are different things we could do just to make people more aware of what they are eating. When dining at a fast food restaurant it is hard to come across health information on the food they are providing you with, pamphlets providing this information should be offered to every customer much like how they offer you to super size your meal. Another idea would be to provide the dietary facts on the outside packaging of the product how they do at grocery stores on every item sold. And this section seems to be about solutions -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 4:02 PM Societies health problems may be growing but our knowledge is also growing and we should get smart and look further into what we put into our bodies. What we put into our bodies has a lot to do with the increased health problems in society today, in years prior to 1994 diabetes in children was typically a genetic disorder that they had inherited and Type 2 diabetes only accounted for 5% of childhood cases now it accounts for at least 30%. (David Zinczenko Pg 1). This is actually on topic — the negative effects on health -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 4:03 PM So who do we blame for the fact that our health is going downhill? People should know how to eat properly and know better than to eat several meals a week from a fast food restaurants, I don’t think its the fact that people don’t understand what it could do to there body, its the lack of alternatives and the FDA does not require prepared foods to be labeled with health information. We have covered every street in America with fast food restaurants and made it almost impossible to come by a health food store. Why would Americans spend time looking for healthier alternatives when we have strategically placed several other unhealthy alternatives right in front of them. Fast food is not just affecting the health of people but also of our environment packaging from fast food restaurants can take up anywhere from 20-30% of our landfill space belongs in a different section -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 4:05 PM and add pollutants to our air. Fast food has a huge affect on society that witha few east steps in the right direction we could create a healthier America. A major downfall for the US is how we are able to provide food at such a cheap cost. It is awesome for the customers but for the people providing it (farmers) it is more of a cost to them. Michael Pollan, author of When a Crop Becomes King from the New York Times explains exactly how farmers are paying more money for corn in the long run, because â€Å"the average bushel of corn (56 pounds) sells for about $2 today; it costs farmers more than $3 to grow it. â€Å"(Pollan 1). If farmers are spending more money on corn than customers are paying for it how are they making any money themselves? Congress has decided to subsidize corn by the bushel, America is covered in 125,000- square miles of corn fields. Subsidies are grants given to an enterprise provided by the government that benefit the public. Does cheap food ever mean healthy food? Typically no. Advertisers will promote anything to get you to eat it! They target young children with anything from commercials to action figures. New York Times David Barboza author of the article If You Pitch it, They Will Eat says, â€Å"Big food makers like McDonald’s and Kraft Foods Inc. are finding every imaginable way to put their names in front of your children. † (Barboza 1) Companies view their sale pitches as harmless but they are a huge reason of America’s rise in obesity. Cheap food from fast food restaurants like Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, Taco Bell and KFC are targeting teenagers and cheap is all that the average teenager can afford. That’s what they eat, cheap food that will clog their arteries and if it is eaten constantly could lead to some major health problems. If fast food was pricier maybe it would encourage teenagers to make there way to the grocery store and spend their money on foods that are better and more nutritious for them. The problems that have arosearisen -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 3:56 PM due to the new developments with corn and subsidies have drawn Americans and health developers to question the health risks. Corn has been a new popular development for the past few decades with the booming fast food industry and even to grocery stores across America. Cheap food and cheap prices not only make it easy for parents, but are quite a tasty treat to people anywhere. The solution to end the change and chemicalization of our environment will be too change the â€Å"agricultural act† as Wendall Berry, author of The Pleasures of Eating stated. The video, King Corn, has shown that corn has been genetically changed and is grown closer together which not only makes the food unhealthy, but it is unhealthy for the soil as well. Corn is distributed into many different products, sprayed with chemicals, and genetically altered so that it flatters the human eye. Corn also feeds the animals, in which farms put them in a box to feed instead of grazing along pastures, healthily. Berry states that animals are fed with antibiotics so they won’t die from the change in diet, and so they can fight off bacteria in their bodies. Our environment is where the earth began, slowly but surely we are killing off plants and animals for our benefits as â€Å"heavy consumers. † We want to make a solution to stunting environmental growth because it is all a domino affect. One part affects the whole puzzle, take away corn, and we are forced to find alternative sweeteners for soda, candy, fruit, and other products. An alternative to corn syrup is sugar, though more expensive, it is worth it if it benefits our bodies and environment. In King Corn, the college students say that there is â€Å"30% more sugar used in corn form† than before. This suggests that high fructose corn syrup is more unhealthy than sugar itself. Researchers at University of Minnesota also made the point that â€Å"high fructose corn syrup causes trygliceride levels in men to increase shortly after eating, which links to an increased risk of obesity and heart disease. † Our problem is corn and the production, we find alternatives such as going back to sugar, and letting the animals, plants, soil, grow healthier so that humans will be healthier. Lets face it, we don’t know what we are eating, but do we care to ask questions? Rather, we complain about how there are no alternatives to the fast and easy drive-thru. Our change in society with our environment will be slow, one less person going to McDonald’s, is one less employee making a hamurger, which is one less manufacturer making money on his or her product. Let’s come together and find our own alternatives, rather than having society determine for us. It is easy to say that Americans are victims when it comes to eating unhealthy. We are heavily influenced by fast food and marketing industries. Together, they promote and reel consumers in by making their products cheap and convenient. So, how do we fight back? According to Wendell Berry, an author and farmer, we need to start by eating responsibly. This includes preparing your own food, knowing where your food is grown (preferably closer to home), dealing directly with the farmer or gardener, and learning, about the economy, farming, and through observations (40). Eating responsibly is a life style one chooses, it definitely won’t happen over night. Blaming fast food companies for making America fat may be the easy way out of personal responsibility but America is to blame. Daniel Weintraub’s article states that â€Å"Statewide, the Center said 26 percent of schoolchildren are overweight† (42). 5 tips prob -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 4:14 PM The lack of exercise has caused childhood obesity to rise in consideration with the intake of fast food. Since fast food companies clearly play a role in the obesity problem America has, the change should start with them by offering healthier alternatives, smaller portion sizes, and nutritional facts on the food and beverages being consumed. But the bigger pictures focuses on the farm bill. The reason fast food companies can sell their food cheap is because of the subsidy system. Pollan states that â€Å"eaters want a bill that makes the most healthful calories in the supermarket competitive with the least healthful ones. Eaters want a bill that feeds schoolchildren fresh food from local farms rather than processed surplus commodities from far away. Enlightened eaters also recognized their dependence on farmers which is why they would support a bill that guarantees the people who raise our food not subsidies but fair prices† (You Are What You Grow). The only way that our nation can change the health problem it’s suffering from now is by taking the time to understand and know what they are really eating, along with what was done to it to make it taste the way it does. Originally, Government subsidies were intended to ensure that American people had enough food. Our Government wanted to make sure that our country would never have a problem regarding the amount of food we produce. Though the intentions of our nation were only to make sure that every person can have food in their belly, the result of starting the subsidy system, in fact, made things worse. Without subsidy, corn costs much more than it does with a subsidy. Since the Government decided that subsidies would be a good idea, farmers have taken advantage of the opportunity to increase their income. Over the years, chemicals have been put into corn to change its color, its ability to grow closer together, and how fast it grows. Not only that, but chemicals must be put into the soil to make it grow in general, because farmers have abandoned their old method of rotating crops and leaving the land fallow. Making these modifications to the corn crop has done what they wanted: increased the amount of corn produced, therefore increasing the amount of money farmers recieve. Unfortunately, it has also caused major problems in the health of the food. As mentioned previously, corn is fed to livestock. Since corn has such chemicals put into it, that’s exactly what the animals consume, and it makes the meat â€Å"have nine times as much saturated fats as grass fed animals†(King Corn). This means that the meat that humans consume, in addition to the corn itself, and corn syrup that humans consume, are much less healthy than we think. Paragraph should start here. Most of above is repeating what should have come before -Meline Akashian 11/27/10 4:17 PM The Subsidy system is flawed in that it’s intentions were for the health of the country, but it’s results are that all food is less healthy than it once was. Eliminating subsidies on corn will raise the price on corn, which in turn will raise price on meat, change the diet for livestock, and force companies to use natural sugar rather than corn syrup. These changes will result in less health issues, considering that â€Å"corn syrup [alone] has a higher risk of type 2 diabetes†(King Corn). If the government really was concerned with the health of our country, officials would have considered the health of not only the people, but the land, plants, and animals we depend on for survival. Getting rid of subsidies will only help the country toward its dream of better health.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Ancient City of Uruk

The metropolis of Uruk was at its most influential from 4000-3000 BCE, and its rise and enlargement can be partly attributed to the absence of prestige stuffs in the southern alluvial sediment ( Joffe 1994, 512 ) . Low entree to these stuffs led to the desire for trade and the formation of extended relationships with other metropoliss, which, along with other factors, led to the enlargement of Uruk, an event which can be displayed by a rapid population addition and drastic societal alteration. Previously, the belief that Uruk had low entree to raw stuffs was widespread, but this belief is baseless, as Uruk had about everything it needed but lumber. It has been observed that most local trees and reeds may hold served for Uruk’s demand for wood, demuring the edifice of big, monumental public architecture ( Joffe 1994, 514 ) . Though the alluvial field was fertile and rich, a premier topographic point for agribusiness, and so had most resources needed for endurance, Uruk’s entree to luxury stuffs was highly low. It has been argued that a chief stuff that drove the demand for trade was lumber, but this has been disputed by the fact that most monumental edifices in Uruk are composed of gypsum, which was a locally sourced rock, every bit good as the aforesaid beginning of local trees and reeds ( Joffe 1994, 513 ) . The cardinal thrust for trade was most likely the desire for luxury points such as semi-precious rocks and metals, objects which have been found within Uruk though they were sourced from rather far off. Evidence of this long-distance trade is found within entombments of a manner which moved off from that of the Ubaid period with the add-on of sedate goods ; objects such as mirrors and Cu axes were found within Gravess in Susa, the Cu imported from the mountains about 200 kilometers off ( Jennings 2010, 59 ) . Trade would hold ab initio been instituted near by, with colonies in close propinquity to Uruk, before traveling farther out to topographic points with more alien goods. These countries, along with supplying stuffs to another metropolis, would hold had a desire for the forte points being produced in Uruk with the addition of stuffs available. Artifacts of Uruk manner have been found from Egypt to topographic points every bit distant as Pakistan, with advanced clayware from Uruk traded for cherished rocks, gold, and other such stuffs ( Jennings 2010, 67 ) . As Uruk’s influence, as the trade Centre of the period, increase d over clip, the desire to keep the flow of goods into the metropolis precipitated the enlargement of Mesopotamian dregss along the trade path with the constitution of trading outstations ; this development allowed goods to be ferried between colonies instead than over long distances, many of these outstations walled and supplying a safer path for the prestigiousness points ( Jennings 2010, 68 ) . The prevalence of trade made immediate the issue of travel between these outstations, and so along with the usual agencies of conveyance – by pes – more efficient agencies were discovered and put to utilize, such as boats and sleighs ; donkeys were introduced to the profession of trade, as were wheeled vehicles ( Jennings 2010, 69 ; Joffe 1994, 515 ) . Equally good as a more efficient agencies of travel, the first signifier of authorship was developed in Uruk ; this was economic, and developed because of the increasing prevalence of trade. In response to the laterality of trade, Uruk underwent a monolithic enlargement of its boundary lines. Many colonies that have been identified by several historiographers as trading settlements were set up along common Uruk trading paths, and architecture characteristic to Uruk has been found in little communities along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, on the outskirts of Mesopotamia ( Algaze 1989, 571-608 ; Surenhagen 1986 ) . Some colonial outstations had become more than simple stop-overs for going bargainers, and had accumulated plenty wealth to justify protection by tall rock walls ( Jennings 2010, 68 ) . A chief cause of enlargement in Uruk was increased specialization in the production of goods. The increased handiness of prestige stuffs due to success in trade led to an inflow of people, both impermanent occupants – from trading colonies – and lasting occupants – from colonies that were incorporated into the metropolis of Uruk, under bid of the new-found elite. Equally good as external colonies, people were likely traveling into the metropolis with the hopes of thriving in their peculiar trade and providing to increased demand for luxury points. The alteration in the fabrication of fabrics, from flax to wool, is an illustration of the specialization that occurred, and is possibly one of the more important cases: woolly sheep were introduced from the North, and woollen cloths had many advantages, including the easiness with which they took dye ( Jennings 2010, 65 ) . The coloring of cloth was particularly of import in this new age of increasing societal stratification, and wool was besides far more convenient as it took far less attempt for laborers to bring forth ( Jennings 2010, 65 ) . Another root of the quickly increasing population of Uruk, unrelated to stuffs, is an inflow of refugees from fall ining city states in Sumer, but this can besides be attributed to the rise in power and influence of Uruk, its wealth and prosperity ma intaining it afloat where other metropoliss failed ( Jennings 2010, 69 ) . Equally good as trade and subsequent enlargement flowering from the desire for natural stuffs, a profound alteration in societal fortunes occurred. With a booming economic system within Uruk, as the Centre of trade during this period, societal stratification began to happen, with degrees being distinguished between the elite and the on the job category. The distribution of wealth was a major factor, those with the most holding places of power within the trading Centre. The development of composing farther separated the categories, as acquisition to compose would hold been something that was restricted to the elite, but what was most of import, as Algaze says, was economic distinction, as economic distinction leads to societal distinction ( 2001, 204 ) . There are many illustrations of differences between societal categories, one being a list of professions found widely, from Uruk to Ebla, ordered harmonizing to the rank of rubrics held by the elite ( Nissen 1986, 329 ) . This list na mes leaders of peculiar groups, from presidents, courtiers, and embassadors, to priests, nurserymans, bakers and throwers ( Nissen 1986,329 ) . Through this list and others like it – as it is the most extremely reproduced list from the period – it is possible to see the rigorous hierarchy that developed in Uruk with lifting wealth position. Another index of position can be seen in the grave goods, mentioned above. With the Uruk period came a move off from the old Ubaid period-style of entombments, and the inclusion of sedate goods began, which was another distinguishable symbol of position. With a more affluent civilization, more luxuriant entombments became common, and the more luxuriant the grave goods included, the higher the position of the resident of the grave. Another new thought displayed in this period was that of the person, and single ownership displayed by clay seals ; these were used to track traded goods and grade ownership, and this thought was non conta ined to Uruk. A broad assortment of seals have been found within Uruk and without, subsequently conforming to other social manners, their visual aspect altering circumstantially but keeping the original Uruk ideals ( Nissen 1986, 320 ) . A metropolis can merely spread out to a certain extent, and this applies to Uruk. The thrust for trade through the desire for entree to raw stuffs created the chance for Uruk to spread out its influence, its population lifting with its wealth and complexness. Over clip, the lower categories in society were pushed to spread out agribusiness, which intensified to back up the lifting population of specializers who did non bring forth their ain nutrient. This led to over-irrigation, and the one time fertile, rich land of the southern alluvial field was subjected to environmental impairment, which finally led to the prostration of agribusiness ( Algaze 2001, 218 ) . Equally good as the terrible overburdening of the land, Uruk’s lessening in influence can be attributed to a supposed addition in ill will in Mesopotamia as colonies fought for connexions to the trading web ; ill will in the country can be seen in the copiousness of walled colonies, such as Habuba Kabira and Sheikh Hass an ( Jennings 2010, 60 ) . Even as Uruk declined, other countries had been influenced by Uruk’s thoughts, which travelled along with trade stuffs, and little colonies became involved in widespread trade, viing with each other for the more successful trading spouse with high entree to critical stuffs and making lifting force. Equally good as ill will, it appears that Uruk decided to turn away from its dependance on an early planetary economic system based on trade and external variables, from long distance relationships jeopardised by force and competition from and between other provinces, and towards the local economic system. Uruk’s local economic system was able to be managed in a much more efficient manner since the innovation of the authorship system, and so colonies were able to distance themselves from trading and the metropolis, and develop as their ain entities ( Jennings 2010, 71 ) . But even as Uruk’s methods were embraced by some, other countries such as Tepe Gawra rejected many of the rules which other topographic points were so eager to take up, and this is displayed by the low sum of Uruk-style clayware that was found in the country, while at the same clip in many other parts these types of goods were quickly go arounding ; this part besides maintained their ain distinguishable manner of entombment, non conforming to the new Uruk manner ( Jennings 2010, 72 ) . Uruk was an country with low entree to raw stuffs, and it displayed an astonishing ability to accommodate to its fortunes and specify a new manner of life which would distribute across Mesopotamia. Trade provided it entree to the luxury stuffs it required, and this gave birth to a rapid period of enlargement and wealth, which created the first known grounds of social stratification. The limited entree to critical stuffs, though non the lone variable, was the trigger for the rise and eventual autumn of the metropolis of Uruk.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Euthanasia or mercy killing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Euthanasia or mercy killing - Essay Example If other people especially family members have greatly contributed towards one’s success, and one has not retaliated to improve their lives, you have a duty to die. When one becomes incapacitated to the extent that he/she cannot maintain the social fabric that has been holding the relationship together, he has a duty to die. For instance, if he has been making people happy by singing and he cannot sing any more due to illness or other factors, the relationship between him and the acquaintances is likely to weaken. In addition, in the event of living a reckless lifestyle such that nothing is saved for future medication or old age, one has the duty to die. It is irresponsible to be less concerned with one’s owns health only to rely on others when the disaster hits (Hardwig 12). Less likelihoods of the duty to die occurs when one can courageously cope with their own sicknesses or incapacitated condition rendering the patient less time, energy and resources in care giving. On the same note, some diseases will have to cost the caregivers despite the courage and strength the patient shows in trying to withstand the situation. When relatives or family members have to suffer or be very grieved because of the support you have been offering to their lives both material and moral, there is less likelihood on the duty to die. Hardwig, again, argues that the duty to die is very real and possible and wonders the bioethics dismissal of the claim. It is the individualistic fallacies that drive us to think that we have no duty to die. Human beings are held together by kinship ties and the decisions we make impacts others. We share houses, finances, successes, as well as... The essay refers to John Hardwig, who says that there is always a duty to die. There are circumstances that increase the likelihood of the duty to die; one’s illness, history and age. He gives several considerations that clarify the definition of the duty to die. First, if prolonging life will pose more burdens to relatives including loss jobs, financial challenges and emotional stress to the caregivers, there is a very high degree of the likelihood to die. The essay brings a contradictory point now. If people have lived a very poor and difficult life, they have not enjoyed a satisfactory share of what life has to offer, especially as a result of their own flaws, they have a duty to die. Less likelihoods of the duty to die occurs when one can courageously cope with their own sicknesses or incapacitated condition rendering the patient less time, energy and resources in care giving. The essay comes back to Hardwig, who argues that the duty to die is very real and possible and wo nders the bioethics dismissal of the claim. As defined earlier in this essay, the ultimate goal of euthanasia is an act that is intended to shorten the patient’s life medically with the aim of relieving his suffering. In conclusion, shows that the issue of euthanasia will continue to elicit widespread debate owing to its implications on religious, moral and ethical considerations. John Hardwig raises a fundamental yet weighty debate by claiming that people have a duty to die in spite of their common objection to such an idea.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Policy Responses during the Great Recession Assignment

Policy Responses during the Great Recession - Assignment Example It is apparent that the increase in the prices of houses was the major problematic condition of the housing market. This was because the financial institutions wanted to raise funds that would enable them to remain in operation after the economic recession period (USC Price, n.p). The major policy initiatives that were implemented by HUD during the Great Recession era included increase home ownership by supporting various programs such as Fannie and Freddie, State HFA, Emergency Homeowners Loan Program and First-time homebuyer Tax Credit among others (USC Price, n.p). The purposes of supporting such initiatives were to offer financial assistance to the citizens to enable them either buy homes or settle debts. The effects were to maintain the circulation of money to avoid inflation and shortage of funds that would affect the economy. This also helped companies to continue to offer their services to homeowners and other stakeholders since they had the money to pay their suppliers (USC Price, n.p). One of the policy initiatives that were implemented during the Great Recession was the introduction of the HARP and HAMP. For instance, HAMP was designed to assist the homeowners who were suffering from extreme payment burdens. Alternatively, HARP helped in offering relief for homeowners to earn extra disposal income (USC Price, n.p). This took place through reduction of the interest rates to allow the homeowners save some cash for other purposes. One of the problematic conditions was that it only helped a few households, instead of tackling the universal problem across the country. Another problem was that the government was not running it and relied on lenders in which uninterested parties rejected it. The major interest groups were the homeowners, lenders and private sector operators (USC Price, n.p). The project did not achieve the expected results because the lenders rejected it since it took long to materialize. Another ineffectiveness is

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Introduction to business for the creative industries Essay

Introduction to business for the creative industries - Essay Example anding its operations across several parts of the world included North America, India, Eastern and Western Europe and China thereby making it the forth biggest footwear manufacturer and retailer in the world(Clarks, 2014, p.1). Founded in 1825, the renowned British, international shoe manufacturer and retailer has sustained its growth over the years through its great brand marketing campaigns, more fashion focused products and management support to become the worlds largest footwear brand (Sutton, 2009, p.45). The history of the Clarks shoes business dates back to the 1820s when a British Tannery worker known as Cyrus Clark entered into a partnership with his Quaker cousin to begin a sheep skin rug business. Cyrus Clark was soon joined by his brother James who began making slippers from the sheepskin left over. The slippers were a great success. By 1833, James had been taken on as a full business partner and the business was renamed C & J Clark. In 1960s, Clarks also began building a reputation for its children shoe products not only in the United Kingdom but also in other parts of the world (Palmer, 2013, p.54). Currently, the company has established nearly 1000 branded stores selling more than 50 million pairs of shoes annually in over 35 countries across the globe. Despite experiencing difficulties during the middle of the 19th century, the company has managed to regain its growth and has expanded over the years by adopting techniques of mass production as well as enhancing its brand marketing campaigns to become a global giant shoe fashion designer and retailer. This paper presents an illustrated critique of the success of Clarks Footwear Fashion Business with particular focus to its marketing and brand positioning strategies. Throughout its 200 years of existence, the Clarks has always enjoyed an impressive market success and sustained growth in nearly all its product segments (Sutton, 2009, p.78). According to experts, the Clarks current market success is

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Color Purple Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Color Purple - Essay Example The story revolves round the protagonist Celie, a fourteen years old black girl, who is victim of the sexual assaults of her stepfather. The stepfather, not only rapes her continuously, but also impregnates her twice illegitimately. Celie is also rebuked and tortured by the obnoxious Alphonso, who does never have mercy towards the innocent little girl. Since she is unable to resist to the cruel and atrocious behavior of her stepfather, she writes letters to God out of the feelings of sheer disappointment and despair. Hence, she maintains unabated belief in the existence of the Supreme Being, Who would remove all her miseries one day. Thus, the elements of Christian religious belief sway throughout the book that consists of letters to God carrying prayers for the protagonist’s safety from the cruelties society committed on the weak stratum. She also looks nagging in her letter on the sad demise of her mother, which has deprived her of the affection and protection of a shelterin g tree in the person of the mother. She also makes complains through her writing to the Lord regarding the loss of her daughter and then son, both of which are snatched away from her lap as soon as she gives birth to them. Since the children are the product of her illicit relationship or rape by her stepfather, who gets the infant children lost in order to conceal his heinous crime he has been committing against her innocent stepdaughter. The little girl’s mourning and cries fill the hearts of the readers with gloominess. The author, in a highly moving though morbid way narrates the torture and battering Alphonso inflicted upon Celie. However, Celie’s unabated belief in the Lord does not waver altogether. On the contrary, her faith observes tremendous boost while her addressing the Lord through her innocent writing. help. Her letters further make complains from the Lord on getting married to the immodest and dissipated Mr.___. Although Mr. ___ had asked for the hand of Celie’s younger sister Nettie, yet Alphonso preferred to hand over comparatively â€Å"the ugly† Celie to the sweet and charming Nettie. Since she is unable to get rescued from the cruelties of Alphonso and then Mr. ___, her belief about God as a white male strengthens. Consequently, she starts believing that the deity belonging to male stratum as well as white racial group would not protect an ordinary, poor and helpless black girl at any cost. Thus, sense of alienation appears in the mind of the black girl. The elements of racial discrimination are also evident in the letters Celie writes to God, which are actually the reflection of the sentiments of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Social Media Coordinator Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Social Media Coordinator - Research Paper Example Life after school and getting a job require a long list of interviews from HR supervisor to AVP of the company. More exams and trainings are required before you get the post. But if we can observe how things go this time, we can see that more jobs that are being offered are focusing on online and customer satisfaction. With the people spending most of their time checking their sites online every day, what’s better to do than to develop customer satisfaction and increase revenue via advanced campaign methods by the use of the powerful internet? Social media coordinator is one of the most popular jobs in the world today. This job is responsible for day-to-day execution of corporate social media campaigns. What can be more fun than to recommend, build and execute campaigns for Twitter, You Tube and other social media channels as required? Isn’t it fun to be responsible for blogger engagement, including conferences and maintaining relationships? These are just some of the m any but fun responsibilities of a social media coordinator (, Social Media Coordinator). The Industry From the previous paragraphs alone, the frequent use of the words ‘online’ and ‘internet’ should be noted. ... Government Of course, it goes without saying that different parties would have different perceptions and preconceptions as to the use of the internet as the main form of social media. For instance, an article by Abdulrahim (2010) of the LA Times talks of former Orange County Sheriff Michael Carona, who felt that the print and electronic media that served as his downfall failed to take into account the positive things he had done for his area of responsibility. More than that, however, the ex-Sheriff also brought to light the lesser-known problems associated with social media that had been causing chaos all over California. The problem, as noted by the article, is that laws need be kept up-to-date as technology continues to advance, lest there be loopholes that more unscrupulous parties can exploit. Among the policies said to help would be the discouragement of hyperlinks and attacks on specific groups, as well as employing a social media coordinator in charge of screening and filteri ng content before publishing it. In short, it would be safe to say that the government is fully cognizant of the benefits and setbacks inherent to social media – which is why rules need to be made and adhered to in order to minimize the risks of it being abused. International Community and the Internet First and foremost, it should be noted that the main reason there are ramifications from the international community at all, is precisely because of the internet’s ability to connect people and enable communication, all irregardless of location or distance. While it is true that TV allows shows and ads to be broadcasted globally, the fact that it only allows messages to travel one way means that it is not

Monday, September 23, 2019

Case summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Case summary - Essay Example For instance, Paula can be unfamiliar with new bedding standard of the hotel. One more possible reason is that Paula finds it difficult to fit to this standard because it challenges her usual pace of work. Lisa does not consider these options at all; her evaluation of Paulas work seems to be too subjective. I believe that Lisa treats Paula differently from other housekeepers. According to her opinion, cleaning is physically hard and even younger employees â€Å"are challenged†. Despite Paulas high quality of work, Lisa speaks about Paulas age negatively. If I were a manager, I would not believe Lisa because her evaluation is discriminatory. All people have to be treated equally at work despite their age, sex, gender, religion etc. In order to make the right decision, I will check whether Paula really cannot meet the standard of the hotel. To resolve the issue, I would advise Lisa to talk with Paula about new bedding standards and her performance. As Paulas line manager, Lisa has to give her a constructive feedback about her performance. She has to mention both good and bad aspects of Paulas work to show that her contribution to the team is appreciated. Moreover, Lisa has to make sure that Paula is familiar with new bedding standard. If she finds it difficult to fit it, Lisa can offer her a training program. There are younger housekeepers who are also challenged by new bedding standard. They can join Paula and learn from her how to boost their quality of work. Younger employees can benefit from cooperation with Paula because she has a profound work experience and well-developed skills. At the same time, Paula can adapt to new norms quicker if she is assisted by someone from her team. It is obvious that there are some serious issue with team work between housekeepers. Paulas performance can get worse because she is treated as an outsider by her team. As the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sukarno, President of Indonesia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sukarno, President of Indonesia - Essay Example Deborah Rhode wrote an entire book studying the growing discussion about what global moral values there might be without coming to any actual conclusions (2006). However, there is a consistent need for a moral leader to be interested in providing the greatest good to the largest number of people, taking on a utilitarian approach to leadership. How that might be accomplished is a matter of individual values, beliefs, and political/social/economic climate. Taking a closer look at a leader such as Sukarno of Indonesia may help us to understand more about how individual values and beliefs can combine or collide with the climate to create the moral leader. Sukarno was born in 1901 to an aristocratic family and was given the best of educations, starting at boarding schools by the time he was 11 years old. When he graduated high school, he married the daughter of the man who owned his boarding house and then moved on to college. By the time he graduated college, he had divorced his first wi fe and married the ex-wife of his new boarding house's owner (Adams, 1965). He reportedly was very creative and had a photographic memory, which made it easier for him to become fluent in a number of different languages (Ludwig, 2004). After he finished his schooling, Sukarno went on to divorce and marry another woman and to start his own architectural company with a partner. His designs were shaped by his politics and vice versa. According to Rudolf Mrazek (2002), Sukarno was a very modern leader and believed the future would be blind to race, would be neat and Western in style, and would be anti-imperialist. While in high school, he had been influenced by Tjokroaminoto's nationalist ideas, but he also studied Western, communist, and Islamic political philosophy while he was in college (Adams, 1965). He eventually developed his own style of leadership which he called Marhaenism, based on concepts of socialist self-sufficiency. He was also irritated with the mostly Dutch-dominated s ocial clubs he encountered at college and organized his own study clubs for Indonesian students. By the time he was 26 and graduated, Sukarno and his friends created a pro-independence party called the PNI (Adams, 1965) or the Indonesian National Party. As the party leader, Sukarno played a major role in establishing the party platform which advocated Indonesian independence and fought against imperialism and capitalism because these systems did not add value to the lives of the Indonesian people. In keeping with Sukarno's modern beliefs, the party also advocated a secular system of leadership that ensured unity among the various different races of the region. The party was very quickly populated by members from the university who wished to gain greater freedoms and opportunities which had not been available under the Dutch colonial occupation (Adams, 1965). Within three years, it had gained more than 10,000 members, forcing the government to react. They arrested Sukarno and seven o f other party leaders and put them on trial for threatening the public order. Sukarno received four years of jail sentence and the party subsequently dissolved (Ricklefs, 1982). Looking at this party and Sukarno's historic defense speech on the day of his trial helps to reveal some of the values that Sukarno stood for at his most idealistic phase and illustrates the kind of moral leader he was. When Sukarno was arrested for his involvement with the PNI, he was permitted to deliver a speech in his defense. This speech has since

Saturday, September 21, 2019

English Transformation Practice Essay Essay Example for Free

English Transformation Practice Essay Essay Composers often use different methods to portray similar ideas to their audience. How have the two texts you have studied reflect the same ideas in different ways?  Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew and Jill Junges 10 Things I Hate about You are examples of where composers have used different methods to portray similar ideas to their audience. This essay will compare the three common themes the texts share, including marriage and dating, deception and disguise and the role and hierarchy of women in society. By comparing the dramatic and film techniques used in each of these respective texts, the common themes are expressed in their individual ways which ultimately are able to engage their audiences. Traditionally, economics and financial gain have been the more important aspect in relationships, especially marriage, as opposed to love. The marriage and dating customs of society have remained relatively similar overtime. In Taming of the Shrew, the audience is given an exclusive view into what marriage meant to society and individuals of the Elizabethan period. William Shakespeare conveyed how marriage as a financial gain was specifically applied to peoples during his era in Taming of the Shrew, where in Act 1 Scene 2, Petruchio and his servant Grumio visit Hortensios house. Petruchio boldly announces his quest to wed a rich wife. I come to wive it wealthily in Padua, if wealthily then happily in Padua. Such a blunt statement clearly shows Petruchios gold digger of a personality and his values when it comes to marriage, most likely influenced by the society he lives in. When Hortensio refers Petruchio to Katherina as part of a devious scheme for Bianca, the dramatic irony only further enhances how when it comes to women, men of Petruchios standard prioritize marriage as a financial transaction first, then their own feelings or even the feelings of the intended and that the view of the female is not taken into account. In this way, Shakespeare is able to demonstrate the value of marriage and by comparing this to 10 Things I Hate about you, it is evident that the same values still apply. The modern day teenage filmic text is still able to portray marriage and dating mostly as a profitable process through a different setting. When Joey asked Patrick to take out Kat, again, for his own warped benefit, including the punchline that if Patrick were to make Kat his own problem, a generous compensation would be rewarded, Patrick immediately becomes interested. youre going to pay me to take out some chick? How much?. This question highlights Patricks cleverly concealed interest in this deal because it ultimately involves money. Throughout this scene, Joey is seen mostly cast in sunlight, which suggests an almost innocent like motive to his request, where as Patrick is seemingly more of the selfish, sullen and nasty party in his business deal, because it is all for money, and he is completely disregarding or holding no respect for what Kats opinion and emotions might be on this matter if she heard of it. Jill Junge also makes effective use of medium shots, where the surly facial expressions of Patrick and arrogant body language of Joey and Patrick can be observed in more detail during their conversation. It also shows the reactions and emotions of them both whilst finalizing their business deal. The camera works and techniques of Jill Junge in this scene evidently express the monetary benefits of marriage and dating throughout time, from Shakespeares time well into the modern day. Deception and disguise in the two set texts involves harmlessly deceiving one, or multitudes of people by impersonating someone, or good at something theyre in actual fact not, the result of which is gaining something in personal value. Shakespeare expresses his interpretation of deception and disguise through Act I Scene II where upon arrival in Padua Lucentio and Tranio swap identities with each other as part of the plan to capture Biancas heart. Tranio assures when I am alone, why then I am Tranio, but in all places else, your master Lucentio. Master and servant are well disguised as someone theyre not, and the chess pieces are set. Furthermore, Baptista, Bianca, Petruchio and the others of the story are deceived by the role swapping of Lucentio and Tranio. Again, the use of dramatic irony further increases the masquerade atmosphere developing in this scene, thus supporting the theme of deception and disguise, for masquerades often involve not knowing the identity of anyone as their face is so effectively shielded with masks. Shakespeare cleverly inserts the concept of deception and disguise within his play that it becomes an important and crucial element to the plot, and when compared back to 10 Things I Hate about You, deception and disguise is another important and crucial element to the plot.

Friday, September 20, 2019

New Balance: A Case Study

New Balance: A Case Study Abstract A case study of New Balance Corporation are discussed in 3 different perspectives such as observations on strategic marketing plan, evaluation on manufacturing processes and the company financial profitability. A complete analysis of these three perspectives and suggestion on how to stay competitive is explained further in this report. The marketing perspective will focus on the evaluation of its current marketing methods and proposal on effective marketing strategy. The manufacturing perspectives study the operation and provide recommendation quality planning. The financial perspectives will review the cost, profitability and loss in investment of New Balance Corporation. Introduction In 2004, New Balance Athletic Shoe Inc. Became on of the biggest athletic shoe manufacturer in the United State of America. by New Balance became more famous with its unique and creative philosophies that included an endorsed by no one stand, withholding of 25% manufacturing in the US, and it target middle-aged customer as its target and the company grew and gained market share in the highly competitive athletic shoe industry. In marketing perspective, the research is done on strategic marketing approaches to meet customers satisfaction. In manufacturing perspective, the research is concentrates on manufacturing process of New Balance shoes and importance of Quality planning and control together. In financial perspective, the research is about financial management while maintaining quality. This report summarizes the difficulties faced by New Balance Corporation and the solutions to the problems encountered. 1. Marketing Perspective New Balance Corporation is manufactures basketball, running, hiking, tennis and cross training shoes with offering its shoes in a range of sizes. Because of not undertake celebrity or superstar to endorse its products, New Balance Corporation lose out to gaining awareness on a global marketing. Its make their lacks endorsements in major sporting events and also make them at a disadvantages when it comes to brand building and the company also faces is its limited output. For reach their product line in marketing, the company make a few changes in management; it was well trained employees for working by team, makes them different jobs, switching tasks and also operates computerised sewing equipment and automated stitches. New Balance Corporation has been faced manufacturing cost, with its competitors outsourcing most of their manufacturing to others countries such as China 1.1 Job design Job design or work arrangement is important parts to make the companys raise productivity levels by offering non financial rewards such as greater satisfaction from a sense of personal achievement in meeting the increased challenge and responsibility of ones work. Few techniques can be use in job design and it was job enlargement, job improvement, job rotation and job simplification.[2] New Balance Corporation employed just a smaller quantity than a dozen in 1970. At that time the employees made each shoe by hand, one at the time and third pairs for daily production. [1] As the company has grown and changed, their manufacturing also changed by the improvement in the companys marketing and manufacturing. New Balance was introduced a new technologies to make the shoe and also trained the employees with working in small teams with 5 or 6 employees and technical skills.[1] When the employees work by team, there can know each other and became friendlier. This will make the companies envir onment in good situation. The company manufacturing was improved by switching task every few minutes and helping each other to make the products in quality. [1] By switching task, the employees can be more experience in kind of works. Other than that, the employees also trained to operate computerised sewing equipment and automated stitches. Its make the workers to do the work of 20. This cause the company safe the time with delivered highest quantity of products. But to reach their product in local or global marketing, New Balance didnt undertake celebrity to endorse its products and because of this New Balance face their output in limited than other competitor. 1.2 Method of work organisation To make the product reach in marketing New Balance Corporation use few method in their work organisation. The company is known for innovative products designs, excellent relation with buyers and a strong commitment to social responsibility. New Balance became famous in global after manufactured special designed orthopaedic shoe for baseball players and track and field athletes, in 1930. They also concentrate on customers target. They made running shoe with the target customers mileage, size, strength, the prices of the shoe and the running environment.[1] The company also control and adjust the new products design depends on customers interest and competitor challenges. This process at New Balance is working well. Other method used by New Balance Corporation was advertisement campaign. Bill Bruce, chief creative officer at New Balance agency, was the lead to the campaign. Example of advertisement by New Balance is Running is hard. People aspire to it because its not easy and The shor test distance between two points is not the point. [1] With develop in designs, improve quality and innovate their processes a capability is not enough for the company to reach their manufacturing process and New Balance Corporation known it, so the company share 10% market of athletic shoes in china. It would be the equivalent of 100 million customers. 1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of going global. 1.3.1 Advantages International markets able to expand if New Balance Corporation distributes their products in global marketing. The company can sales shoes with new design and comfortable price for the customers. Other than that, New Balance able to build reliable sources of supply and keep abreast of the latest trends and technologies. Payment for the workers at America is $23 to $21 an hour. But at the China the coast is very low depending on America; its just $2.63 and $0.67 an hour. The American workers receive roughly the equivalent amount of money for working 1 hour as a Chinese worker earns in a 40 hour week. This made New Balance Corporation safe the coast of the workers. [3] 1.3.2 Disadvantages Nike and Adidas were strongest global branded names. So that, New Balance has to invest the highest coast in product manufacturing such like new design, quality of product for keep strongest from their competitor.[4] Director Emeritus John Larsen Figure 1: Organisation chart of New Balance Chairman of the Board James Davis Executive Vice President, Apparel Kerry Kligerman Executive Vice President, Commercial Herb Spivak Chief Executive Officer, President Robert DeMatini Executive Vice President, Global Footwear, Product Marketing Joe Preston Executive Vice President, International Alan Hed Executive Vice President, Manufacturing John Wilson Executive Vice President, North American Sales Chris Quinn Vice President, Consumer Experience Paul Heffernan Executive Vice President, value chain Dave Crosier Vice Chairman of the Board Executive Vice President, Administration Anne Davis Vice President, Advanced Concepts Edith Harmon Vice President, Finance Bill Hayden Vice President, Global Design Development Jim Connors Vice President, Global Logistics Kevin Holin Vice President, Human Resources Carol ODonnell Vice President, Intellectual Property Edward Haddad Vice President, Responsible Leadership Christine Madigan Vice President, Retail Stephanie Smith Vice President, Sourcing Procurement Jim Scaibarrasi Vice President, St. Louis Joe Clendenny Corporate communication Manager Amy Dow Vice President Treasurer Alan Rosen Vice President Key Account Sales Peter Zappala 2. Observe the strategy formulation and processes to continuously improve to meet the customer needs, and quality at lower cost. New Balance Corporation has been carried out a lot of processes to improve their customer needs, and quality at lower cost. They have carried out many of processes continuously for a couple of years. 2.1 Strategy formulation The first step they took for begin this process is, they have started to produced close to their customers. This step allows quick turnarounds on new designs and order execution able to remain competitive at home by creatively adapt new technologies to shoemaking constantly training their employees in teamwork and technical skills work in teams, sharing responsibilities and helping one another to make sure everything gets done. Previously they faced a problem about staying in a particular country only, but now they also managed to solve that issue. Today their capable to managed several numbers of Asian suppliers and monitor them more closely. On the other hand, it is possible that current management and production methods can produce high ability with fewer workers and equalize cheaper pay in Asia[5]. They also come out with another new plan that is they have decided to give 22 hours of training in teamwork and production techniques to train the new employees. New Balance is leaving its tradition of communicating through its consumers with low-key, convincing sincerity, and approval instead a colourful commercial campaign which is known as Love/Hate[8]. Little articles that importance to capture the spirit of the experiences and relationships public have with their running shoes. The most powerful quality they have is their confident level towards their business. This fact is proven by the never ending confident level they showed in those years when the other competitors companies recorded lacklustre growth on their business, finally they succeeded [5]. 2.2 Process Quality Improvement Staying involved with the developed process helps New Balance develop better designs, improve quality, and innovate their processes capabilities. The corporation is doubling its marketing budget to make sure as many people as possible experience this special communication. In order to remain competitive, New Balance highly focuses on quality and productivity improvement. 2.2.1 Total Quality Management (TQM) New Balance introduced a new activity known as Total Quality Management (TQM) into their organization. TQM is a system for creating competitive advantage by focusing the organization on what is important to the customer[5]. Principles of TQM are Do it right the first time and an approach for zero defects[6]. According to TQM, good quality reduces time of rework and able to spent more time in manufacturing. TQM recommends management to find new ways to meet or exceeds customers needs. Awareness and skill training of top-level manager to non-manager, full employee empowerment and effective communication both vertically and horizontally of all levels must be in practice to improve the quality goals[5]. 2.2.2 Continuous Improvement (CI) Another activity carried by New Balance is continuous improvement (CI) or Kaizen. They decided to continue with this to remain competitive. CI focused in unlimited improvement of material, machine, labor use and production method and waste elimination to attract their customers [5]. New Balance started to apply some of the CI approaches such as Statistical process control (SPC), PDCA cycle, Pareto analysis, Fishbone diagram, Benchmarking and Just-in-Time (JIT) method. SPC is a tool to identify problems in production process in order to prevent poor quality by using Statistical Control Chart [5]. PDCA or Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle provides guidance on problem solving process. They carried out the process with the new improvement for continual improvement according to the customer needs. Pareto principle describes that 80% of the problem come from 20% of the cause[5]. They also stated that the solution to 20% will solve 80% of the problem. Fishbone diagram was developed to identify potent ial causes to a problem[5]. Benchmarking is an approach for setting goals and efficiency measures based on best-industry practices[6]. Benchmarking involves recognition of a process that needs progress and identification of world-lead organization that performing this process. And, analyzing data obtained by contacting the organization [5]. By implementing JIT method in Bedford plant, New Balance will deal with fewer raw materials, less WIP inventory and low finished goods inventory. Less inventories save more space, which can be rented for subcontract to other corporation. JIT is about delivery of necessary parts in the right amount at the right time and place with minimum conveniences usage[7]. 2.2.3 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) To full fill the consumers satisfactions New Balance begins to apply Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), to update the old and outdated equipments of Bedford plant. By the help of TPM system they started to concentrates on precautionary maintenance, where inspection and maintenance should be conducted occasionally to prevent downtime. TPM also requires employees to be trained and retrained, so they are updated on machine operations. Another changes made by PTM is purchasing of new equipments to maximize productivity and designation of protective maintenance plan. Application of TPM gives out tremendous success for the New Balance Corporation. 2.2.4 Cost reduction New Balance decided to strengthen their position by producing low- cost quality products. There are two ways of cost reduction method has been used by them which is known as alternative raw material and process improvement. New Balance Company replaced their actual alternative raw material, with another raw material which has the same quality but lower in cost. For the process improvement New Balance has practiced Business Process Reengineering (BPR), where BPR brings gradual improvements in the processes. The principle of BPR is to analyze the firms plan, elimination of non- value added steps and making the remaining ones simple and flexible to accomplish desired outcome[5]. 3. Manufacturing Perspective Manufacturing perspective focuses in shoe manufacturing process and key factors in the designs of the products and services while discussing the importance of quality planning and quality control process for the company in order to achieve high performance products and services. 3.1 Shoe Manufacturing Process Creating a group of components at a workstation is the manufacturing technique as called batch production. This will be the next step before moving the group in production. This production is common in the manufacture of sports shoes. Pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), inks, paints, adhesives and bakeries are also including. [12] Batch production is manufactured at Boston. Blend of gel inserts, heel counters, and a greater selection of sizes are manufactured by them with variants technical innovations. In order to fulfil customers need, New Balance required to produce modified and number of different product. Near location to their customers is an advantage for New Balance. [11] They able to fulfil and turnaround on new design according to their customers order. New Balance running shoes have as many as 30 templates in batch production. The basic components are the shoe has two main parts where the upper, which covers the top and sides of the foot. However, the bottom part makes cont act with the surface. There are three main parts at the bottom which are outsole, midsole, and wedge. The first step in running shoe manufacture involves die cutting the shoe parts in cookie cutter fashion. Next, the pieces that will form the upper part of the shoe are stitched or cemented together. At this point, the upper looks not like a shoe but like a round hat; the extra material is called the lasting margin. After the upper is heated and fitted around a plastic mold called a last, the insole, midsole, and outsole are cemented to the upper. Figure 2: Process of shoe stitches Die cutting the shoe parts is the initial step in running shoe manufacture where they use cookie cutter fashion. Together the upper part of the shoe are stitched or cemented. These will looks more like a round hat. The extra material is called the lasting margin. The insole, midsole, and outsole are cemented to the upper after the upper is fitted around a plastic mold. The mold is called a last. The midsole are designed for shock absorption specifically. The heel is supported by the wedge. The arch support also has been containing inside the sole. The importance of skilled man power is been realize because of the cost of producing the many components of running shoes. This proves that shoemaking is a labor-intensive process. Precision and expertise are required in each steps of production. Low-graded shoe will be a result of taking shortcuts for cost saving. To ensure better quality and to avoid human errors, computerized sewing equipment and automated stitches are provided. This all ows one person to do the work of 20. 3.2 Key Factors in designs of products and services New Balance remains competitive by adapting new technologies to shoemaking. They had also borrowed technology from clothes manufacturers by using see and sew machines aid to their products. Sewed show gives more adhesion between the templates and it also last long compared to glued type. They also keep updated with new trend by production different and latest design of shoes. Having production operations close to home where they believed they could exert greater control over manufacturing quality. This also enables them to fulfill customers order and allows quick turnarounds on new designs. They also able to ship orders on time and faster. 4. Importance of Quality Planning and Quality Control 4.1 Quality Planning The definition of quality planning is, its a systematic process that translates quality policy into measurable objectives and requirements. Its in a sequence of steps for realizing them in a specific timeframe. In order to maintain the quality of products, proper planning must be done. This is also to avoid overdue deadlines and perform shipments on time with output of good product. Total Quality Management (TQM) should be introduce into New Balance Corporations organization for creating competitive advantage by focusing the organization on what is important to the customer. Does it right the first time and an approach for zero defects are the principles of TQM. Spending more time in manufacturing will reduce time of rework. This is according TQM. Moreover, finding new ways to meet or exceeds customers needs and to provide support and direction is stress by TQM. This is to ensure the quality improvement concepts into their management and process planning is been implement. Effective communication between top-level managers to non-manager must be in practice to improve the quality goals. So, awareness and skill training must be done. They also can use guideline process like Six Sigma. This will help them for developing and delivering virtually perfect products and services. DMAIC_roadmap_75.gif Figure 3: Six sigma Initially the problem need to be defined followed by the voice of the customer, and the project goals, specifically. Then key aspects of the current process and collect relevant data need to be measured. Once measured, the data need to be analyzed to investigate and bear out cause-and-effect relationships. Determine what the relationships are, and attempt to ensure that all factors have been considered. Seek out root cause of the defect under investigation. Current process need to be improved upon data analysis using techniques such as design of experiments work to create a new, future state process. Set up pilot runs to establish process capability. Control the future state process to ensure that any deviations from target are corrected before they result in defects. Implement control systems such as statistical process control, production boards, and visual workplaces, and continuously monitor the process.New Balance should apply some Quality tools such as Process Flow Chart, Cause-and-Effect Diagram, Check Sheet,Pareto Analysis,Scatter Diagram ,Statistical Process Control Chart and Histogram to do proper planning and to control quality related issues. Process Flow Chart is a diagram of step in a process which helps focus on where in a process a quality problem might exist. They also can use Cause -and- Effect Diagram to categories the causes of the problem. Check Sheets also can be used as a toll for tallying the number of defects for a list of previously identified problem causes.Pareto analysis can be used to identify few causes that lead to the quality problems. Pareto principle describes that 80% of the problem come from 2 0% of the cause.[9] Pareto analysis concentrated only on the 20% of cause and the solution to 20% will solve 80% of the problem. Then the Scatter graph can be plot to show the identify the pattern that may cause quality problems. Finally Control Chart can be used view the upper and lower limit of the process which will enable New Balance to control and reduce the possibilities of occurrence of quality issues. 4.2 Quality Control Quality can be defined as a measure of excellence or state of being free from defects and significant variations. Consistent adherence to measurable and verifiable standards would be important to achieve uniformity of output that satisfies specific customers. Organizations must place great emphasis on managing quality controls. It is vital to ensure that the products and services offered to customers are reliable and truly meet the customers needs. New Balance Corporations financial will be affected and have direct impact by poor quality products. Both the companys revenues and its profits will be influence by this effect. Ever more demanding customer expectations, complex guideline, innovative products will be the reason of essential quality products. This is also to accomplish competitive edge over the challenges of rising competition and emerging markets. The effective growth strategies will be enhance by quality products where all operating processes and functional boundaries is been watched. Sensible and insightful quality commitment on customers evolving approach and preferences is required in financial growth. If New Balance develops and delivers poor quality products, there will be a number of consequences as it been state below. 4.2.1 A Poor Quality Company is a result from poor quality products. The companys financial performance, its stock price, product innovation, delivery on commitments is the base of a companys reputation. The major determination of a companys reputation will be the quality of a product. So, the reputation of New Balance products can be destroying by poor product quality. Customers perception when New Balance produce poor quality products as coming from poor quality company will bring even more serious impact. This inconsistencies and inability to produce defect-free products by New Balance Corporation will lead the existing customers to decline orders. 4.2.2 Lost of opportunity The opportunity to improve the bottom line will deprive by the poor quality. Improving scrap, rework, and warranty cost will bring good values. Looking for the root cause of these will be even greater because of the greater return. Quality deficiency that cause losses can be prevent if products standards are used by practicing good quality. Commitment, knowledge and effort can be discovered by losses due to quality. Moreover, this can be the source of huge opportunity and a clear competitive advantage once discovered. 4.2.3 Revenue lost Lots of time and money on unnecessary tasks and wasted materials is poor quality that leads to opportunity lost. Estimating the cost of all efforts undertaken in an organization can measure the cost of poor quality. Processes used in assembling the products that does not provide value to customers and material been use are include. These are the non value-added activities in the context of lean manufacturing. Sum of all non value-added costs divided by the total revenue thats generated will be the cost of poor quality at New Balance. The percentage from resulting measurement is revenue thats lost due to waste. Excess inventories, unnecessary motion, and supplier nonconformance are the waste that builds up from losses. More obscure wastes, such as unnecessary paperwork, large lot sizes, and excessive auditing will also see that losses can be occur. Additional losses will lead by these wastes. 4.2.4 New Balances core value is the quality. The important aspect of quality management is to determine customer needs accurately. This is because to avoid rectifying mistakes in defining customer requirements before the product been produce. This is to save cost compare to rectify mistake after the production. So, well spending the time and effort to figure out the requirement is batter. Identifying what the customer wants should be the goal of New Balance Corporation. Moreover, to ensure the customers need, New Balance should fine-tune the process. Reduced quality product will put New Balance Corporations financial endanger. 5. Financial perspective Financial perspective represents stability, viability, and profitability of the Boston based new balance corporation meanwhile explains effects of reduced quality products to their financial status. A product free from defects maintains high uniformity of output and ensures customer satisfaction and profit. Management should enhance the reliability of the product and customer service to achieve high quality standards. [13] 5.1 Reduced quality impacts on financial growth New Balance Corporation should realize that to achieve good sales, they need to achieve highest quality products. Form the article, new balance encourage multi-tasking employee in small group of five to accomplish daily target but this indirectly affects the quality of the output. New balance will experience less sales when fails to meet the customer satisfaction by releasing high percentage of defects products into the markets. Moreover new balance faced with counterfeiting issues in china, unauthorized shoe makers with new balance mark sell their products and this directly reduce the new balance markets. Quality is the bridge for pricing and customer requirements therefore below listed factors contributed low competitiveness of new balance. [14] 5.1.1 Reduced Quality diminished companys reputation In order excel in shoe marketing business, new balance must aware of its financial performance, product innovation, stock price, delivery and commitments. To achieve all these criteria, new balance must supply high quality product so they able to sustain good sales in shoe markets. When customers realize a defect in new balance shoes, they will reject orders due to inconsistency in supplying defect-free products. 5.1.2 Cost of poor quality This cost is a result of producing defective material and lead to lose of valuable resources including money, time, materials, processes and operation cost. Figure 4: Shoe manufacturing cost involved in percentage Above pie chart illustrate involved processed to manufacture a pair shoe in percentage referencing $100 per pair of shoes. Note only 2% of profit gained by the manufacture itself, when customer rejects non-value added products. New balance will lost the 2% of profit and have to bear all the wasted 48% expenditure per shoe. Thus new balance will experience distortion in their profit margin. This happen when they try to decrease the flush between desired and actual product, service quality. Cost of poor quality is sum of overall non-value added costs divided by the total revenue generated. Loses generated from supplier nonconformance, unnecessary motion and excessive inventories. 5.1.3 Cost of lost opportunity This term best to describe when fixing a rejection using resources including the rework process, labour, material, and disposition cost. Fixing a rejection means losing gained profit. However a good quality standards practice will help new balance to remain competitive in the market and eliminate all the unnecessary waste of resources. This usually happened due to the production process are not aligned with acceptable quality standards. 5.1.4 New balance quality objective New balance should reinforce high quality level standards in their daily operation. Research must be done on the shoe manufacturing process, operation cost structure, and the technology involved to guide new balance run on right defects-free tracks. In the other hand, they should investigate industry revenue growth, imports, and export and employee wages to avoid conflicts with the output quality. 5.2 Financial analysis on shoe manufacturing technology Nowadays technology growing very fast and there is high expectation on the output quality. Technological improvement in the shoe manufacturing process will be helpful to reduce the error done by human. Shoe manufacturing process involved three main step of stamping, stitching, making. New equipment will optimize the shoe fabrication time with defect-free output. Conventional operation full depending on man power clearly state that a lot of problem will arise in terms of wages and operation hours. Employee need to be trained periodically and still unable to achieve zero defects output. [14] 5.2.1 Technology application benefits High-tech equipment has the capability to run the manufacturing process smoothly. Starts with stamping process, machines able to continuously produce programmed output without and error. Its also able to produce prototypes and small test run on shoes in a short period. Equipments such as NC controlled machines can be programmed to perform a task for various size manufacturing. Robots can perform high level task like moulding, injection moulding, and trimming. These process actually designed for cost saving and design method is easy to manufacture. Through the use of the technology, the company can manufacture high output per day with reduced error or defects compared to conventional human involvement.[15] 5.2.3 Hard dollar saving idea Hard dollar saving idea originally derived from Lean and Six Sigma benefits which designed for organization to run the manufacturing business with less man power replaced by machine and equipment. The idea developed to: Minimize Defect rate by terminating the rework processes Minimize the claim due to defected product Fast delivery in order to be competitive in market. 5.2.4 Initiate continues improvement Use of technology in shoe manufacturing process surely will upgrade the new balance financial status. Delivering products with zero-defects will obtain customers satisfaction and new

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Legality vs. Human Bonding in A Jury of Her Peers Essay -- A Jury of H

In "A Jury of Her Peers" Susan Glaspell shows how human bonding can override legalities that society has. This is shown by Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters bonding with Minnie by understanding her daily life as they are in her home. The two women feel a connection with Minnie because their lives are very similar to that of hers. By the two women understanding and having a connection with Minnie they notice the small trifles that leads to them finding evidence and motive for Minnie murdering her husband. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters were only in Minnie's home for a short period of time yet this revealed to them that Minnie was much like them. As Mrs. Hale was leaving her house to go with the others to Minnie's house she noticed something in her kitchen. "It was no ordinary thing that called her away -- it was probably further from ordinary than anything that had ever happened in Dickson county. But what her eye took in was that her kitchen was in no shape for leaving: her bread ready for mixing, half the flour sifted and half unsifted." (paragraph 1). Later while at Minnie's house, Mrs. Hale noticed something very similar: "She looked around the kitchen. Certainly it was not slicked up. Her eye was held by a bucket of sugar on a low shelf. The cover was off the wooden bucket, and beside it was a paper bag --- half full. Mrs. Hale moved toward it. She was putting this in there, she said to herself -- slowly." (paragraph 108). Mrs. Hale and Minnie ar...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My Life is a Cluttered Drawer :: essays research papers

My life is a cluttered drawer if you looked inside you would see a variety of pictures. Pictures of places far and near. Pictures of friends, family and loved ones. In the back of the drawer tools for the tinkering that everything seems to need at one time or another. Different types of music would be scattered throughout the drawer on tapes and CD’s for the good times and the bad.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Often I sit in my room and look back at all the pictures of the interesting places I have been, the unusual sights I have seen and the people I meet doing it all. A picture I often look at is a picture of Time Square New York. This particular picture I took myself. I look at this for motivation, motivation that one day I will be in the city of opportunity. The picture I keep right beside my new York picture is an army photo. A photo of one of my buddies out in the field gun by his side. This picture gives me a completely different feeling. A feeling of appreciation for the solders that are fighting for our country at this point in time. Every parent or friend with a picture like mine I’m sure, knows the feeling of wondering will they be sent, or asks the question will they come back.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the drawer slides more than half way open now the stacks of CD’s and tapes begin to come into view. The tapes mostly of childhood music that got lost or out grown. The lessons or sharing, and good attitude all waiting to be passed down to a cousin or niece in dire need. The CD’s in the drawer I am sure have been pulled out, and again returned depending on the mood, or the company. As for the artists of these CD’s, mostly String Cheese, a semi blue grass band with a song for every mood.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the far back of my cluttered drawer there are several tools. The tools you would find in my drawer are common tools. The tools needed just for the basic workshop. Both kinds of screw drivers, Phillips head and a flat head. A hammer, and last but not least needle nose pliers. With this set of tools I feel I can fix, or â€Å"rig† almost anything I own to a certain extent. This set of tool would also cure the boredom of everyday life. Scratch up some nails and grab my trusty hammer with a cuple of planks of

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ethical Decisions

Chapter 6 Ethics Issue Brenton T. Percell BUS323 Commercial Law Salem University In your opinion, was it ethical for Mr. Trump to broadcast this type of information to the public? When making an ethical decision, the following questions should be asked is it a utilitarian decision approach, deontological approach or virtue ethical approach. The utilitarian decision meaning was the firing for the greater good for the mass of people? No. Was it a deontological decision based on, treat others how one would want to be treated, No. The last philosophical reasoning being virtue decision. Virtue decisions are defined to be genuine and honest and should be handled in that manner is a public relation leader. When decisions are made with virtue in mind, all decisions should be made ethically to ensure honesty is conserved. (Bennett-Alexander & Harrison, 2012, pg16-18) (Media, 2018) With the above steps in understanding an ethics decision defined in my opinion the manner that Mr. Trump chose to terminate his employment with Mrs. Carolyn Kepcher, publicly on his BLOG, stating,† She loved her fame, and she loved celebrity Apprentice, and it was affecting her work.† was unethical. If this was the case was it any progressive action to make Mrs. Kepcher aware of her performance or was she just terminated? These are grounds of termination depending on a contract agreement, state laws (at- will). The action that makes this judgment unethical is the hiring of his daughter proceeding after the termination of Mrs. Carolyn Kepcher. (Bennett-Alexander & Harrison, 2012, Pg154) In your opinion, where should we, as a society, draw our (1) legal and (2) ethical lines regarding the type of information shared in this context? [Please keep in mind, for a variety of reasons, an ethical behavior may require more restrictions and restraint on actors than one would want to codify in law.] The legal implication in this situation cannot be made soundly due to the unknown variables such as contract, state that contract was signed legally no laws were broken, Mr. Trump was on his account that solely reflects on himself and his brand. Which is within his right, freedom of speech. The reasoning for the termination may not be the best or ethically sound but it is a reason. In my opinion, it is more of an ethical/ moral issue rather than a legal issue. No-one rights were violated during the firing of Mrs, Kepcher. ReferencesBennett. (2012). The Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Enviorn of Business in a Diverse Society. [VitalSource]. Retrieved from, W. (2018). Ethical Theories. Retrieved from

Monday, September 16, 2019

Evaluation of Security Considerations in the Design of Public Buildings in Abuja

AN Evaluation OF SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS IN THE DESIGN OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS IN ABUJA ; Introduction The primary intent of edifices is to supply residents with contributing, safe, comfy, healthy and secured indoor environment to transport out different sorts of activities runing from work, survey, leisure, concern and household life to societal interactions. ( Olagide and Bello 2007 ) . Benjamin and Lawrence, 2007 noted that in order to accomplish this intent, edifices are designed, planned, constructed and managed based on standard specifications established by government’s professionals and experts who are supposed to hold equal cognition of user’s demands and outlooks, among others. ( Webster, 1966 ) , province that security is the province of feeling of being free from fright and danger or the riddance of menaces. Security is one of the basic demands of humanity. Human security is about screening persons and communities from any signifier of force or insecurity. Human security sought to foreground new concerns about planetary security and needs to turn to a menace to human life. ( Ogboi and Eze, 2013 ) . Harmonizing to ( Gilbert et al. ( 2003 ) as cited by Benjamin and Lawrence [ 2007 ] Terrorist onslaughts as a menace to edifices are a menace that most design codifications have non addressed in the yesteryear, and which have clearly become more of import. ( Benjamin and Lawrence, 2007 ) opines that particularly for certain types of edifices. These has become an issue that cause fright, anxiousness and concern in the heads of the populace. As edifice codifications are bing for the benefit and protection of the populace and belongingss, it seems sensible that codifications should be taken into history the perceptual experiences and frights of the general populace when planing for all jeopardies, including terrorist menaces. Prince philips, ( 2010 ) states that the security breach by the terrorist group at the force central office and the united states office in Abuja in 2011 had thrown up assorted security issues and brought about frights in the head of populaces. Aziza, ( 2011 ) , noted that public edifices in Nigeria today seems to hold been the focal point of terrorist onslaught. Building security and safety took on new intending on September 11, 2001. Unprecedented terrorist actions that twenty-four hours at the universe trade centre in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington. DC, made edifice proprietors and users think as they had ne'er thought before about secure and safe, they are-or aren’t-in the edifices they use every twenty-four hours. ( Anderson, 2008, as was cited by Muhammad, and Asmau S, [ 2012 ] . Architects, applied scientists, security and engineering advisers define the architect’s function in the relationship between security and edifice design. Aziza, ( 2011 ) . Noted that constructing security considerations is non merely about put ining the latest electronic cogwheel and package bundle. Nor is it merely a consideration for constructing types with extremely specific tenancy considerations. Increasingly, edifices of all kinds are campaigners for the sort of careful security planning that proceeds hand-in-hand with the architectural design procedure. To guarantee an appropriate and cost-efficient degree of security, designers need to introduce themselves with the scope of security factors that affect the design. Safety, menaces to edifices are addressed by constructing codifications. By Torahs, designers and other interior decorators must conform to plan and building criterions applicable to the legal power in which a undertaking is located. Mandated demands in edifice codifications are intended to protect the wellness and safety of edifice residents, firemans, and exigency forces, and to keep the structural unity of edifices in the event of fire and other inauspicious status. Although safety menaces relate to security menaces, constructing codifications do non incorporate security demands. Safety menaces, which are unwilled, consequence from natural phenomena ( e.g. Lighting inundations, hurricanes and twisters ) or through human carelessness and ignorance ( e.g. Improper usage, accidents, equipment failure, and system defects ) . Security menaces are knowing and originate in human actions. Angry persons, vandals, felons, and terrorists can transport out knowing menaces. However, heather me naces are knowing or unwilled, they may hold similar results, runing from nuisances to catastrophes of the major graduated table ( got from security and planning in the design ) . Nimma, ( 2007 ) . Stressed that with the recent rush in panic onslaughts comes the demand to reconsider edifice design considerations to safeguard lives and belongings and minimise hazard and chance of onslaught. The easiness at which security was beaten at the United Nations edifice in Abuja raise new inquiries as to the rightness of the full composite in position of its position. Granted the edifice exhibited resilient structural unity in defying impact, it ought to be more hard to hedge security. ( Fatima, 2004 ) opines that the bombardment of Lois Edet house-Nigeria’s constabulary central office was besides an indicant that today’s design security considerations are clearly unequal. The undermentioned anti-terror constructing design considerations are recommended for composites that can be marks for panic onslaughts. There is the demand to procure edifices in Nigeria. Since the September 11, 2011 panic onslaughts in the United States, the demand to forestall or react to Acts of the Apostless of panic has radically transformed the policing and security landscape of states. This is frequently marked by the passage of new statute law, creative activity of new security bureaus or sections, furthering inter-agency intelligence sharing and engineering proviso of new resources, development of engineerings, and intensification of bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation on policing and security. In many legal powers, nevertheless, these steps have been taken at the disbursal of cultivating the people and communities in affected parts whose support and partnerships are important in geting actionable intelligence against terrorist menaces and reacting efficaciously to the threat. Nigeria is unluckily no exclusion. PROBLEM STATEMENT The job of insecurity is now a major tendency all over the Earth. Insecurity affects human life and being, the construct of insecurity has normally been ascribed different readings in association with the assorted ways which it affects persons. Security considerations remain its values for investing safety. The frequence of terrorist onslaught on edifice constructions in Nigeria in the past few old ages had become really alarming and unreassuring. Many lives and belongingss have been lost in the prostration of edifices largely in Abuja. Many belongings proprietors have developed high blood force per unit area and some have been sent to an early grave. ( Ogboi and Eze, 2013 ) . Beland ( 2005 ) , defines insecurity as â€Å"the province of fright or anxiousness stemming from a concrete or alleged deficiency of protection† . It refers to miss or inadequate freedom from danger. This definition reflects physical insecurity which is the most seeable signifier of insecurity, and it feeds into many other signifiers of insecurity such as economic security and societal security. AIM AND OBJECTIVES The primary purpose of this research is to rating of security considerations in the design of public edifice. The specific aims of this research is to execute the followersTo place and measure assorted security considerations in care schemes adopted for public edifices ;To find the effectivity for security considerations in public edifices ;To measure the degree of security challenge in public edifices ;To measure and measure the relevancy of security consideration in public edifices in Abuja ;RESEARCH QUESTIONSWhat are the considerations for following and care schemes for public edifices?How effectual is the security consideration in public edifices?What is the degree of security challenges in public edifices?What extend is the degree of security challenges in public edifices?What is the relevancy of security considerations in public edifices in Abuja?Boundary line The range of this research is focused on security considerations in the design of public edifices in Abuja. The position of Abuja as the capital metropolis of Nigeria means the metropolis is traveling to maintain edifice physical constructions and spread outing in range and size. Abuja, Nigeria’s federal capital metropolis, is a fast developing one. Abuja has a sprawling and unprecedented population growing, far more than the official figures. This is mostly due to resulting urbanisation in the metropolis following the resettlement of the federal capital from Lagos, and to the economic chances that the metropolis seems to offer. This has put tremendous force per unit area on the city’s substructure, peculiarly lodging, every bit good as other services many authorities constitutions, embassies, international bureaus and several corporate pudding stones are headquartered in Abuja. The metropolis has seen the development of major Constructions of constructions and substructures to run into up with the demands of adjustment for office, residential and recreational infinites. The research is to concentrate on some major edifices, and will ineptly look into the security consideration of cardinal bank of Nigeria and National house of assembly which are both strategic edifices in Abuja Nigeria These are indispensable elements of our economic system and life, and are hence attractive marks to terrorist groups. This research will concentrate on the protective readyings of some public countries, and provides relevant information to professionals and others who are concerned with these issues. The research will measure the handiness, external construction, stuffs and internal safety. Significance OF STUDY This research intends to turn to and make full in some of the spreads that approaches to security of lives and belongingss in developing a agency of safeguarding residents and edifices particularly the causes of terrorist onslaught and demo how to keep effectual security policies. Protecting the residents and contents of a edifice from the consequences in the consequences of a natural or human assault, the concluding end of physical security design is to minimise harm to a edifice and its systems so recovery may be possible. This is, of class, a challenging undertaking because the effects of temblors, windstorms, inundations, and detonations are hard to foretell. Joseph.A, ( 2003 ) believed that the exposures of an bing edifice can be evaluated against a menace analysis for the construction. Methods for retrofitting the edifice to turn to these exposures are so examined. Technology has provided many stuffs and techniques that make it possible, though non ever economical, to protect bing edifices against utmost duress such as bomb harm. Methodology The survey adopted a study research techniques, and is supported by Marshall and Rossman ( 1989 ) that aggregation of informations and analysis in a qualitative research is a coincident procedure. Random trying method was adopted for choosing the sample size utilizing a well-structured questionnaire, which was self-administered to the respondents. The secondary informations were sought through a careful hunt of different stuffs. The major beginning of information was obtained through literature study of books, studies of dailies and periodicals, authorities publications, conference documents and seminar studies among other. Descriptive analysis was employed to analyze the information gathered which was presented in a narrative. The rationalist position besides known as the scientific method is based on dependable and nonsubjective informations, mensurable experiments, trials, every bit good as statistical processs. It derives its strength from the impression that better apprehension of human experience can be gained through experiments and observations, positivist position to rating draws fundamentally on the method-based theory and focal points on developing Methodological model for verifying the internal cogency ( causality ) and external cogency ( generalisation ) of programmes, rating research is focused on the coevals of hypothesis, aggregation of quantitative informations, and utilizing the information to prove hypothesis and besides evolve theory as it is done in scientific experiments. The chief instruments of informations aggregation were interviews, focal point group treatments, questionnaires, reappraisals, observations. Relevant secondary informations, and the rationalist orientation for the research. Most significantly hypotheses are developed through the treatment of the conceptual theoretical account and constructivist attack. 1